Oh so you want the long story…

When my wife was pregnant with our son, some complications made us live in the hospital for about a month. During that time, the community around us really showed up for us. Our family as well as our friends at church really displayed the love of Christ as they dropped off meals & care packages.

In one of those packages, there was a box of chocolates that I emptied to hold Bananagram tiles due to the lack of table space around the hospital bed. In a subtle spark of inspiration, I told my wife, “I feel like this could be a game.” Soon those Bananagram tiles became dice, and my wife and I made a prototype for a game we called “Coco Dice” (chocolate + dice) - all to fight the hospital boredom.

Fast forward, we had a beautiful baby, and I made a second prototype to start testing the game with friends. And NOW the game is available on…

Oh wait never mind. During testing I realized there were some kinks with good enough solutions but not excellent solutions. So Coco Dice, the board game, has been tabled for now.

BUT Cocodice Games, the passion project, lives on as we’ve made another game called Color Theory… which will be available soon on kickstarter.